
Sources of Help for Abuse Victims

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If you are being abused and want it to stop, KEEP READING.
It's hard to come forward and tell someone when you are being abused. There are many different reasons abuse is kept a secret, but there is NO good reason, and there is always someone you can talk to. If you feel there is absolutely no one you can talk to, talk to me. I can help you find someone to talk to, or just be there to listen to you.

I can't tell anyone because:
It's my fault - Abuse is NEVER your fault. You may think it is. The abuser may tell you it is. But it's not your fault.
I love him (or her) - That's nice, really, BUT abusers have a problem and need help. If you love your abuser, get them the help they need, and the sooner the better.
It will ruin the family - It might, but abuse usually ruins a family whether told or not. You don't deserve to be abused, and the sooner the abuse stops, the better chance there is of it not ruining the family.
Nobody will believe me - If you tell someone and they don't believe you, tell someone else. People who don't believe you are usually just afraid to believe you. Tell a few people if you have to. Someone will listen to you and believe you.
They are going to hurt me, or someone else, if I tell - Go straight to the police, or someone with authority. They will know how best to deal with the risk.

Who can I tell?
You can tell a parent, another family member, a teacher or principal, a friend, a counselor, a priest/pastor, a police officer. You can call a number, or go to a website, listed below, or you can contact me privately and anonymously through this form, or by email through this form.

Here are a few possible sources of help:

  - Emergency: 911
  - Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868
  - Childhelp USA: 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453)
  - Covenant House: (Toronto)

  - Emergency: 911
  - Childhelp USA: 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453)
  - Covenant House Nineline: 1-800-999-9999

United Kingdom:
  - Emergency: 999
  - ChildLine: 0800 1111
  - Youth2Youth Helpline: (11-19 years old) 020 8896 3675

  - Emergency: 000
  - Kids Help Line: 1800 55 1800

European Union Countries
  - Emergency: 112

A list of worldwide child help lines can be found at:

I am NOT a counselor, therapist, or any kind of licensed professional in this area and I have not had any training in this field. I'm just someone who knows a little about abuse, a lot about child sexual abuse, and even more about child sexual abusers. I want to help victims and abusers. By helping abusers, we will have less victims to worry about.

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Victims - Abuse Victim Notes | Abuse Victim FAQ's | Sources of Help
Abusers - Abuser Notes | Abuser FAQ's | Sources of Help
Those who care - General Notes | General FAQ's | How You Can Help

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