
Sources of Help for Abusers

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Most abusers want help, at least in the early stages. If they don't get help, abuse eventually becomes a way of life and the chances of getting help grow slimmer. If you are an abuser, or potential abuser, and you came here looking for help, congratulations. The fact that you are looking for help is a big first step. the biggest step is the next one, actually going for the help you need. It was for me. I couldn't do the 2nd step on my own even though I wanted to. I was lucky though. I knew God. I put my problem in his hands and I was getting help within days.

Where to go for help depends partly on what type of abuse you are doing, or thinking about doing. The main focus of this site is child sexual abuse, so I'll start with that.

counselorIf you are a child sexual abuser, or are getting inappropriate thoughts, you need to see a counselor who specializes in this field. If you have a family doctor, go see your doctor. Explain that you have a problem you need help with. You don't need to go into detail here. That will be the specialist's job. But your doctor would be the best source for who you do need to see. A doctor's records are confidential, unless something illegal is confessed. If you don't have a family doctor or don't want to go to that person, check your yellow pages for "Counseling Services", Psychologist, or Psychiatrist, and see if you can find one that sounds like a possibility. Another option is your local "Family and Children's Services" or similar. Go talk to someone, but don't go into detail until you are talking to the right person for that.

For other types of abuse, there are different specialists to help, but also more of them. It's generally pretty easy to locate a family counselor, psychologist, psychiatrist, or a "Family and Children's Services" in your area. If you are guilty of any kind of abuse, don't admit it or go into detail until you are seeing the person who will be helping you.

As a general rule, with most professional counseling, they are bound by law to keep what you say confidential, but if you admit to something illegal and give the name of the victim, they are also bound by law to report it.

If you need help but don't know where to go, I can help you find someone to contact. Contact me privately and anonymously through this form, or by email through this form. Don't give me any details because if you do, legally I have to report you.

I am NOT a counselor, therapist, or any kind of licensed professional in this area and I have not had any training in this field. I'm just someone who knows a little about abuse, a lot about child sexual abuse, and even more about child sexual abusers. I want to help victims and abusers. By helping abusers, we will have less victims to worry about.

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